Cigar Products That Go Above and Beyond
When smoking indoors is not an option, the Zeus Cigar Shelter answers the call. Designed by a veteran cigar smoker, the Zeus Cigar Shelter is a thermal, vented, and portable shelter that can be fully deployed within ten minutes. Cigar smokers can now enjoy their favorite cigar outdoors anytime of the year, in any weather condition, regardless of geographical location. Pick a spot, sit back, and enjoy your favorite smoke conveniently outside, all within the privacy of your own yard.
Zeus is designed with (4) large vents
Four large vents sit at the top of each unit to facilitate the proper outflow of smoke. Additionally, these vents allow the unit to retain or expel heat when necessary. Due to the Zeus’s thermal properties, internal temperatures can be easily maintained, especially when using household heaters or fans to heat or cool the unit.*
*Zeus does not recommend using open-flame heating appliances inside the unit.
Your Zeus also includes a waterproof heavy duty PVC rolled floor, that actually zippers to the tent to form a monolithic design, to keep the ground water or snow out of the unit, and maintains a dry interior.
Zeus was also designed with a drawstring pouch to feed your extension cord, ethernet cable, or propane hose without jeopardizing heat loss. Just feed your cords through the pouch, tighten it up, and you’re good to go……
Zeus is large enough for 5 to 6 cigar smokers to comfortably enjoy their cigar of choice together.
For the cost of a few boxes of premium cigars, you too can have a place to smoke…….anytime!
*Specific geographical locations may require different heating/cooling solutions. A household extension cord from an energized source will be needed to power appliances. During periods of extreme inclement weather, it may be necessary to store your shelter.
**Zeus is not fireproof, and caution should be used when utilizing any open flame appliance or tobacco product.
Leave Zeus up and you will be ready all Winter!
Zeus features to make your smoking experiance as smooth as your cigar
- Window covering to ensure your shelter stays dry during inclement weather.
- Drawstring pouch to feed your extension cord, ethernet cable, or propane hose without jeopardizing heat loss. Just feed your cords through the pouch, tighten it up, and you’re good to go…...
- The Zeus thermal shelter includes a waterproof heavy duty PVC rolled floor, that actually zippers to the tent to form a monolithic design, to keep the ground water or snow out of the unit, and maintains a dry interior.
- (4)large vents at the top of the unit to assist the smoke escape. Vents also secure and lay flat when not in use, to keep shelter dry.
- (6) Oversized ground stake anchors with nylon straps and carabiners, to ensure your shelter is secure.
- The Zeus is large enough for up to 6 cigar smokers .
- Leave your Zeus up all winter!(Snow accumulation should be avoided).
- When Zeus is anchored properly, it will withstand up to 50-60 mph winds!
- Window covering to ensure your shelter stays dry during inclement weather
- Drawstring pouch to feed your extension cord, ethernet cable, or propane hose without jeopardizing heat loss. Just feed your cords through the pouch, tighten it up, and you’re good to go……
- The Zues thermal shelter includes a waterproof heavy duty PVC rolled floor, that actually zippers to the tent to form a monolithic design, to keep the ground water or snow out of the unit, and maintains a dry interior.
- (4)large vents at the top of the unit to assist the smoke escape. Vents also secure and lay flat when not in use, to keep shelter dry
- (6) Oversized ground stake anchors with nylon straps and carabiners, to ensure your shelter is secure.
Zeus Thermal Cigar Smoking Shelter
Pre-order now and receive a free Zeus chair for inside your shelter. This is a limited time offer
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